7 Ways to Make an Author Smile

The Obvious Answer

The Obvious Answer

Being an author can be thankless at times.  You toil over your book, fatigue over edits, stress over publishing, and go nuts over promoting.  All for even one sale or a review that will make you happy.  Just something to make it all worthwhile.  Now, we’ve all heard that buying the book, sharing the book, and reviewing the book can make an author smile.  What about the lesser known pick me ups, especially if you know the author personally?

  1. Can’t go wrong with giving them coffee, but this doesn’t go for every author. Contrary to belief, not every author likes coffee. For example, it makes me sleepy, so that would be a bad idea. Just do a little research and find out what the author likes as an energy source during those rough patches.  Heck, a scratch-and-sniff sticker can work, especially with touchscreens. Doesn’t even have to be true since the author can imagine it working.
  2. Introduce a friend to the author.  This doesn’t even have to be a potential reader, but it’s a new set of ears to talk to.  Authors are people who are plugging away at a difficult road.  This friend could have insight into what the author is doing or simply be curious about the hows and whys of their life.  It’s a little bit of ego-stroking and helps the author to know that they’re not isolated.  Just make sure not to bring a friend whose first comment is asking when they’re getting a free frozen yogurt.
  3. Send a picture of yourself dressed as one of the characters.  Extra smiles if you’re holding the book.  If there aren’t any characters that you can dress up as then combine the two ideas.  Cosplay as the book itself.
  4. Edible Arrangements.  This might just be me.
  5. Give the gift of a thesaurus.  Sure, they can get one on-line or on their phone, but the physical one helps in a power outage.  Don’t bother asking if they already have one because I’m sure all authors can use one in every room.  Nothing is more frustrating than taking a shower and not being able to think of a synonym for ‘damp’.
  6. Remember their birthday.  Even if it’s just a message of FB or an e-card, it’s nice to know you’re being thought of.  An added bonus is if the author has forgotten it’s their birthday and now they realize cake is in their future. Downside to this is if their family forgot too and their dreams of cake are scattered like a dropped cup of a cookie crumbles that go great with Carvel ice cream cakes.
  7. Comment on blog posts or other social media sites.  This gets overlooked for some reason, but it’s similar to the reviews with a lot less time put in.  You don’t have to read a whole book to understand the post.  Authors, especially the indies, love interacting with readers.  We’re already on the computer writing, so this is a taste of socialization that we might be missing.  Not to mention, you can get ideas from the conversation or make a brand new friend.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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57 Responses to 7 Ways to Make an Author Smile

  1. noelleg44 says:

    Charles you are brilliant! I love all of these suggestions!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. AnnMarie Wyncoll says:

    All very valid, Charles, but I would have to ask that if anyone was going to bring me hot beverages it be tea… can’t stand coffee! See, another author who doesn’t fit into the norm 😉 Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. L. Marie says:

    Good suggestions! I love the Edible Arrangements also. And coffee. And chocolate.
    Just thinking about the Edible Arrangements makes my mouth water. My brother’s in-laws usually have those around the holidays. 🙂


  4. Buying me a pint and sitting with me, as I enjoy it close to an open fire, in a traditional English pub makes me smile. Also being told, in a face-to-face situation how much a reader enjoyed my work brings a smile to my face. Great post, thanks. Kevin

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog and commented:
    WARNING: REVIEWS NOT INCLUDED – but please don’t let that stop you leaving any, or comments on Charles’ blog, or . . . 😃


  6. Sue Vincent says:

    Add another… drag author away from computer when the temperature in their corner starts to rise above danger level. Forcibly if required.


  7. Darlene says:

    These would all do nicely. A nice cup of tea is always welcome as is a back rub from time to time.


  8. Jet Eliot says:

    Fun post, you made this author smile. 🙂


  9. Now I have this vision of you dressed as Lisa Burton. I’ll get to work on my Fizzle costume. Maybe it’s time for another hot beverage. Bourbon can be a hot beverage, can’t it?


  10. Great list, Charles. You hit the seven nails on the head. BTW I haven’t thought of Carvel in twenty years. Is old Tom still doing the commercials?


  11. Wonderful post, Charles! Sharing… 🙂


  12. I’m sure you can’t miss with these suggestions. Ha ha.


  13. Rae Longest says:

    What can I send you to encourage you via US Mail? I would love to have another “real author” friend.


  14. The cosplay idea is great. Do you suppose it would be tacky to dress up as your OWN character?


  15. Coffee makes me sleepy as well. I’m trying to get into the review booth more than before. For me, I have to get my copies mostly at Netgalley as unfortunately I’m a single mom and disabled to boot. I would love to review more Indie authors given the chance.


  16. Your list made me smile, Charles. Off to share. 🙂


  17. I’m always happy whenever one of my story posts gets a like, especially if the person actually read the story. 😀


  18. Yeah, I totally agree, especially #7, so much work if people don’t read things.


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