August Interview: Sari the Playful Gypsy

Sari by Kayla Matt

Sari by Kayla Matt

  1. If you had the choice of any occupation, what would you actually like to be?
    I’d still be with my clan, but that’s only if this choice means they’re still alive.  If not then I’d be a wandering thief.  Probably move between the big cities for a while and eventually go outside of Serab.  Sorry if you expected a happier answer.  With my clan or my friends, I’m not really interested in doing much else.
  2. Do you have any hobbies that you would like to be able to spend more time on?
    Can I claim that pulling pranks and causing mischief is a hobby?  That’s very entertaining and relaxing.  If that doesn’t count then I would like to be able to collect more clothes.  Especially multi-layered skirts because they really help distract people from what I’m really doing.  Wearing the same one for so long can cause it to lose its effect.
  3. What’s your favorite meal?
    Venison skewers cooked over an open flame alongside slices of bog hare.  A sweet water and some fae water to drink throughout the night.  A spinach salad with radishes and cucumbers too.  Dessert would be cake.  Just some kind of cake.
  4. Do you play any musical instruments–if so, what? If you don’t, what would you like to play?
    I have ankle bells, a jangling belt, and castanets that I can use when dancing.  It doesn’t work for every song.  At least the castanets are rather hard to fit into everything.  The others involve a lot of hip movement and spinning from me, so nobody really complains about the noise.
  5. Is there any one in particular that you wish you didn’t have to be around?
    Stephen.  If people haven’t figure out that he’s utterly despised by now then they aren’t paying attention.
  6. Have you ever been strongly attracted to someone and it never developed?
  7. Are you surprised about what you have become? Is this what you expected when you were a child?
    The whole champion and adventurer thing caught me entirely by surprise.  I thought I’d travel with my clan, cause trouble from time to time, and eventually have kids that would make me worry myself at night.  Gypsies aren’t typically heroes or adventurers since we stay within our nomadic groups.  Then again, when one’s clan is wiped out, you can’t really stick with the standard, childhood dreams.
  8. What is your biggest fear?
    Being abandoned.  It’s why I have the nightmares and need somebody in the bed with me.  Sounds rather childish and silly when I say it out loud, but those dreams linger after I wake up.
  9. If you could change places with another person in Windemere, who would it be and why?
    Kira Grasdon.  For one thing, it means I could live in that huge manor and be around all those riches.  The dessert isn’t my favorite place, but Bor’daruk is on the coast so I can escape into the water pretty easily.  Also, it would give her time with Luke and make me feel like the playing field is a bit more even.  We’d switch back, of course.  It would be strange if Kira and I switched bodies and got stuck.  Actually, that would be a disaster.  So lets hope it never happens.
  10. What makes you happy?
    Being in love, helping being fall in love, parties, drinking, dancing, flirting, gems, my friends, attention, and Gnomish plumbing.
  11. What does teamwork mean to you?
    It means working together like a family.  There’s an emotional bond that needs to develop, so that everyone feels comfortable.  It’s something that will become so strong that petty fights and disagreements can’t harm it.  Most importantly, teamwork shouldn’t be limited to adventures and battles.  Just spending time with each other is needed to forge this connection.
  12. How would you define honor?
    The thing that Paladins will not shut up about.  Seriously, I think I’m honorable at times, but very few people are able to maintain it.  At least not without becoming a pompous windbag.  Timoran can do it, but barbarians are a strange breed.  From what I’ve been told, they’ve very emotionally controlled and that’s the total opposite of gypsies.  What was the question again?  Honor?  Eh, I guess it helps some people find their way.
  13. What’s the best way to hunt monsters?
    With the biggest sword or most powerful caster you can find.  In other words, I’ll be behind Nyxie and Timoran if we have to do that.  They can do the heavy stuff and I’ll wait for an opening like a good, little, delicious gypsy.  Everybody has their own tactics here and you have to work to your strengths.
  14. What’s your first response when someone makes you really, really mad?
    If it’s a man, I charm him, bring him to a bedroom, strip him, and leave him tied the bed.  If it’s a woman, I do the same thing to her boyfriend, husband, or whoever is close to them.  Then I’d get lectured and scolded by Nyxie for misbehaving.  Maybe it’s safer to simply slap people.
  15. What’s it like working for Charles?
    I’m pretty sure if I’m working for anybody, it’s Gabriel.  Never heard of a god named Charles.

Check out more of Sari in

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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20 Responses to August Interview: Sari the Playful Gypsy

  1. L. Marie says:

    Sari sounds sweet, mischievous, and fun. I’d rather have her on my side than against me though. As for her meal choices, hers sounds closer to what I would want, though I’m not sure how fae water tastes.


  2. Sue Vincent says:

    Never heard of the great god Charles??? My dear Sari, where have you been…?


  3. I think I could fall for Sari. And now I’m scared.

    Ah, the good f gods: Charles. How skilfully he has manipulated everyone – they’re not even aware of his presence. Wonder if Gabriel suspects.


  4. kirizar says:

    Does Charles think he’s a god?


  5. Pulling pranks is definitely a hobby, and lots of fun! Great interview 😀


  6. *grins* I like these interviews, it was fun to end with the disbelief in a certain deity… good job many others worship you, pal. Keep smiling and keep writing


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