A Big Thank You From Windemere


I saved this for the end of the day, so I could catch any posts that happened on the 31st.  I want to say a VERY BIG thank you to everyone who posted, reblogged, retweeted, allowed me to guest blog, and shared.  It’s a long list, so I really hope I didn’t forget anyone:

Sarah M. Cradit

The Ranting Papizilla
The Arkside of Thought
We Drink Because We’re Poets
Helen Valentina
Mark Paxson
Teri Polen
Briana Vedsted
Olivia Stocum
Petite Magique
Katie Sullivan & D
Melissa Janda
Dom DiFrancesco
Victoria Grefer
Kira Woodsbury
Rosie Amber
Dean’z Doodles
Christopher Lee Deards
Pamela Beckford
Misha Burnett
John W. Howell
TJ Therien
Ann Johnson Murphree
Green Embers
Julian Froment
Danielle Taylor
C.S. Janey
Ionia Martin
J.S. Riddle
C.N. Faust

Thank you to everyone.  I suggest that anyone reading this take a look at all these sites and follow these amazing people.  All of them are talented artists, so I hope that you take the time to give them your support.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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25 Responses to A Big Thank You From Windemere

  1. kingmidget says:

    I object. I’m King Midget to you. No, seriously, whatever I can do to help. We’re in this together.


  2. Olivia Stocum says:

    Thank YOU, for answering my many questions. 🙂


  3. sknicholls says:

    My pleasure 🙂


  4. Pingback: I wanna rock! | The D/A Dialogues

  5. So happy to – congrats again, Charles!


  6. JS Riddle says:

    Its cause you rock. You’ve got to do a lot better than I did in July. Zip, Zero. Best of luck and getting that in the hands of those I know that’d love the series. Now I hear I might see a tutu dance. Fess up


    • Thanks. July wasn’t pretty.


      • JS Riddle says:

        I’m quite certain this one will take off for you :D:D:D:D

        maybe people have forgotten about summer reading (when it comes to me 😉 )


      • I think so. The sales died down a bit, so I’m hoping it picks up when all of the advertising sites roar to life. It should since it happened with the first one.


      • JS Riddle says:

        I’ve been out of the loop. Advertising sites? Ohhhhhh, select?


      • Novelspot, Goodkindles, Bookpinning, and AskDavid.com. The all just went live, so we’ll see what happens.


      • JS Riddle says:

        ahhhh gotcha


      • I’m at the point where I need reviews and I found out most of the people that got early copies never read them.


      • JS Riddle says:

        Seriously? I just don’t understand. I had two physical copies in a giveaway on goodreads and didn’t get a review on either, curious about those being read. I don’t understand. Seriously, it makes no sense. Well the first got the Amazon review, DH said he’ll get on goodreads when he can remember how to work it. lol, but I find it important to give reviews. Its only fair, even if I dislike something.


      • I think they started reading it now because they were waiting for a release date or they were busy. I know a few had a lot going on, so I can understand that. The ones that seemed to just vanish irk me. Though, I don’t know if reviews would help a lot. The book is selling slowly, but I can’t get that burst to put me on the Top 100 Lists. That was how my first book exploded and I get figure out what I did to get there. I followed everything and I’m just lost. Thinking it’s the time of year that caused it. Unless the .99 cents is throwing people off.


  7. writeonthebeach says:

    Hope the launch has gone off with a bang.When’s No. 3 due??? 🙂


  8. Rosie Amber says:

    You’re welcome, it was fun!


  9. Papizilla says:

    Reblogged this on The Ranting Papizilla and commented:
    A big thank you from Charles!


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